Tuesday, June 5, 2007

As interesting as a lamp

Due to lack of interest this blog is officially closed. I thought this would be fun, and it was but perhaps I didn't have the time to dedicate to make it more than it was. To the few of you and I mean few who have read and responded to me, Thank You. To the people I visited myself, I probably still will; that was fun too. See Ya!


Anonymous said...

Define interest ?

What were you hoping for ? Your goals ?

I blogged for a year - hardly & when I finally decided that it was a forum for my creativity & trying stuff & didnt care if anyone looked at it, then it picked up... my blogging

I dont have a hit meter and have no idea who is reading other than 3 regular fans ( you & Steve & my hubby). Every now & then I get a comment from someone who has found me & I think "kwel" - but then & again, I dont blog about much that is controvercial (sp), or is main stream in the life style of many blogs I read...

So I just have fun..hoping to create a quirky jem that someone likes.. only one... I get to play & learn more about all this blog technology.

So don't drop... just rest & see later :)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.